God is still speaking
God is still speaking
United Church Of Christ
644 Titus Avenue
Rochester, NY 14617
(585) 544-3020
Adult Education
Education programs are offered through out the year. Programs are offered at varying times during the week or between services on Sunday. Contact the office or the event calendar for programs.
Bible Study
A bible study class is held every Tuesday from 2pm- 3pm in the Lounge.
Fellowship Groups.
Irondequoit UCC is home to a number of fellowship groups developed and nurtured by members of our congregation. Fellowship groups include Ruth Circle, Men’s and Women’s Breakfast groups, Dinner groups and Discussion groups (book review, special interests)
Church Teams
Members of our chuch may volunteer their time and service on chuch teams supporting the "health" of our church. These teams include Leadership, Outreach, Children and Youth Ministry, Worship Ministry (Faith, Celebration and Traditional Services), Caring Connection , Facilities, Finance, Endowment , and Hospitality.
Outreach Team
IUCC support the UCC's five (5) Outreach programs that have an impact at the local, state, national and global level.
Material Aids
Annual projects include organizing and creating school kits, baby care kits, and sewing quilts that are then distributed worldwide to those in need, with the help of national organizations such as Church World Service. Opportunities exist for donation of sewing skills, donation of goods, and donation of organizational time. Visit our calendar or call the church office to find out when this group meets again.
Feeding the Hungry
Irondequoit UCC supports three local food resources through our congregation’s generous donations of goods, and volunteer recruitment.
Each year our congregation donates hundreds of pounds of food and household supplies that are distributed through the Irondequoit Community Cupboard and the Community Food Cupboard of Rochester. These food cupboards serve the town of Irondequoit and our city of Rochester neighbors.
On Mondays, a IUCC members help prepare lunch at Salem Nutrition Center, located at Salem UCC in downtown Rochester.
Caring Connection
A major lay ministry of Irondequoit UCC. The purpose of the Caring Connection Team is to ensure that any member of the congregation who is in need receives appropriate and compassionate support, visits, and care from the other members of the congregation. We respond to situations of bereavement, illness, isolation, hospitalization, new baby, or any other life event. The intent is to respond to persons’ needs directly, or by referring them to others, offering support during circumstances of need, whether joyous or solemn.
Other Mission Activities
Each year, IUCC donates school supplies and backpacks to support back-to-school needs.
At Christmas, our congregation donates gifts for families served by local food cupboards and make a financial donation to UCC fund that helps the care of retired ministers.